of Washtenaw County

Administrative Staff

Sandy Williams

Executive Director

Brandy Coffey

Program Director

Sheri Judkins

Business Manager

Spencer Smith

Program Manager

Charlie Seely

Development Manager

Kelly Overend

Executive Assistant

Karla Garcia-Osorio

Administrative Assistant

Kathy Greening

Social Worker

Turtle Room

Megan Brun

Lead Teacher

Teikia Dottery

Associate Teacher

Butterfly Room

Chocolate Brooks

Lead Teacher

Mckenzie Bush

Associate Teacher

Niyati Kellenberg

Teaching Assistant

Panda Room

April Krey

Lead Teacher

Melissa Peña

Associate Teacher

Giraffe Room

Candice Schlager

Lead Teacher

Penguin Room

Bernice Villegas-Huerta

Lead Teacher

Leoni Tiglao

Associate Teacher

Otter Room

Brandy Coffey

Lead Teacher / Program Director

Janise Wells-Allen

Associate Teacher

Kangaroo Room

Amanda Shukwit

Lead Teacher

Emily Ray

Associate Teacher

Building Support

Ghada Alsaman

Building Sub

Rebecca Karle

Flex Teacher

Ann Nicholson-Cates

Kitchen Coordinator

Diaviana Gilliam

Building Sub

Classroom Aides

Jasman Daniels
Perla Buendia Munoz
Azhar Khamt

Antonia Ordonez

Amelia Kilcoyne

Alyssa Smith-Strong
Talayia Williams
(Classroom Aide/Aftercare Supervisor)

Board of Directors

Michelle Sigakis, President
Glynda Wilks, Secretary
Robin McFerrin, Treasurer
Voting Members:
Monique Hunter
Raven Vawters

Interested in supporting our day-to-day operations, or our endowment to ensure our continued longevity?